Buffalo Wings Chapter of EWMA

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Minnkota District


In the Land of 10,000+ Lakes "Friends for FUN, Safety and Riding" is not just a slogan; it is our way of life!
Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association Minnesota Chapter W, aka "Buffalo Wings" (EWMA-MN-W) has it's starting ride point in the city of Buffalo, Minnesota. We are W/NW of the Twin Cities. 

We would like to invite you and your family to join us for some fun and motorcycle riding. The Chapter has its monthly Social on the first Tuesday of each month at Huikkos Entertainment Center on highway 25N in Buffalo. Enter thru the back doors. 6:30 start. We have weekly Tuesday night rides on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday nights (from the 2nd week in May through October) which depart at 6:30 pm May, June & July, and a 6pm start August, Sept & Oct, from our ride point at the parking lot east of Walgreens on hwys 25/55. We also have many Saturday rides and spring and fall weekend rides. 

Check out our events page for all of the details on the rides and other events. If you have any questions contact the people listed on the contact page. They will love to answer any questions about the chapter.
You see a biker, someone else sees a dad, mom, grandparent, brother or a child.
Please watch for motorcycles!
Contact Linda Angell to help set up your account on this web page.

Have a question? Please contact the chapter director Dave & Belinda (Linda) Angell, or the webmaster Jim Rivord with any and all questions.

National Logo

Minnkota District

Chapter W Logo


Upcoming Events

W Social 4/1/2025 Huikko's Bowling & Entertainment Center
W Social 5/6/2025 Huikko's Bowling & Entertainment Center
Ride 6:30 5/13/2025 The parking lot just east of Walgreen's in Buffalo
Ride 6:30 5/20/2025 The parking lot just east of Walgreen's in Buffalo
Ride 6:30 5/27/2025 The parking lot just east of Walgreen's in Buffalo

Recent Blog Posts

How It's Made - Goldwing   James Rivord | 4/1/2018
Hello all, Jim Rivord here. I like watching documeteries. I caught an episode of How It's Made today where they had a segment on making the Goldwing. It is kind of quick and does not go into much detail and is a few years old. I still found it interesting and decided to share. Click on the link belo...Click the title for the full post
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